by Stephanie
So Avery and I had another few days in the hospital. She got MORE red blood cells and an MRI. But she was eating (not a ton, but she was eating). And her energy levels were pretty good after getting the blood!
But I am SUPER happy to be sleeping in my own bed. And the MRI shows her shunt is doing fine. Her puking can’t be from that. Not that I wanted it to be, but it’s frustrating not to have answers. We are suppose to start chemo tomorrow (actually we were suppose to start Aug 22nd, but have been delayed). We will see what the doc says.
So when we moved into this house I bribed the youngest two if they shared a room (the HUGE 22X11 foot room) that I would decorate that one first. Nate was disappointed. He wanted his room done first. I did buy him a plat form bed with a queen bed. And I did find some curtains. So the first day of school, while I still had my mom to help, we got his room in order.
There are still a few things that he wants, but they can wait. For now it looks pretty cool and he is thrilled his room is done first…ssshhh, don’t tell the girls!
Oh and it only cost me $55. (not including his bed). But that is because I had almost everything already.
I did buy this dresser……at D.I…………..for $8!! I know…….amazing deal.
But it was PINK. Even the drawers had pink paper liners. Yuck.
I know another crappy pic…..sorry.
But I used some modge podge fabric I already had, chalk paint I made my self, wax to seal the paint and LOOK…..
Kind of cool!! I even debated about changing the hardware, but with the white paint and silver fabric, they looked perfect. Why spend more money??

Here is my breakdown: 
Bedspread: Already had from my bed, along with the pillow shams I had made. Curtains $16 from Ross, Dresser $8 from DI, Gallon of flat paint mis-tinted $7 from Home Depot, Calcium Carbonate (to make chalk paint) $4 online, Briwax $20 from Ace Hardware (Miss Mustard Seed has a friend who uses it. It was local, so I gave it a try).
Not too bad. And he was/is thrilled.