We get an extra week this year between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It just means one more week to try to cram everything in!!
Avery did get chemo yesterday, did her fashion show and then went and got red blood. We got home about 1:30am. Yep, I am TIRED today. And we have a 10am conference call (media training), 12:10pm dr. apt and 3:30pm piano lessons. WHEW!
For anyone who wants to see her interview they did for the show....
here it is
But my darling friend Kathy found a similar coat to the one Avery has been dying over. And it’s one sale. And Kathy’s son works at Kohls (where she found it). And he gets a discount. SCORE!!

And SCORE again…Avery got to keep one of her outfits from last night. She picked the one that she was on Fox news with. It was the warmest.
So I am feeling super blessed. As usual. We have had a great amount of blessings along with the overwhelming medical stuff.
OH, and we are going to Forgotten Carols. It’s here in Vegas next Monday night. And I noticed Payton had NOTHING to wear. So I whipped up this outfit (see I am not just ignoring you out in bloglandia, I am usually sewing or cleaning if I am not at doctors visits).
Pretty cute if I do say so myself…..
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