I have an obsession with FABRIC! I do like almost all fabrics, but designer quilt fabrics are a HUGE problem. For a while I made purses…just so I could buy more fabric. So I could tell my husband I HAD to buy it, you know, to make more purses.
It was fun, but was turning into a “job”. I have a job. I am the baker, transportation director, housekeeper, tutor, laundress, cook, seamstress and more. Yes, I am a stay at home for four growing kids. I am plenty busy. So purses, fun, but kind of done. Yes, if someone offers me an obscene amount of money, yes, I would make them one. But it would have to be obscene.
I also have three daughters that I get to sew for. (yep only one boy, the teen years might be rough). My niece announced her engagement and I thought what a great reason to make the girls a new dress. When she told me her colors were red and aqua I just about died. I was THRILLED!! I had been drooling over Bliss by Bonnie and Camille for Moda. TO DIE FOR CUTE! Now I had a great reason to buy some.
And here is what I did with it….
I know, I know. Totally Darling!! I let the girls pick their own fabric (from this collection) and pattern (from my drawer). The oldest wanted the polka dot and I loved it so much I used it as the accent in all three. If you paid my a ridiculous amount of money, I would make some for your girls too. But it would have to be ridiculous.
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